@if($showGuide !== false)
{{__('Tell Us More About Your Company')}}
@if( !(Auth::check() && count(Auth::user()->companies) == 0) ) {{__("Posted before?")}} {{__("Pick an")}} {{__('existing company')}}. @else {{__('Your company will be saved so you can re-use it for other listings.')}} @endif {{__('Want to start fresh?')}} {{__('Create a')}} {{__('new company')}}.
@if(Auth::check() && count(Auth::user()->companies) && !in_array(Route::currentRouteName(), ['my.companies.create','my.companies.edit'])) {{-- Use a previously created company--}}
{{__('Enter your company or organization’s name.')}}
{{__('Where your company is officially headquartered.')}}
{{__('Click or drag your image here.')}}
{{__('EG: https://website.com')}}
{{__("The company email won't shown anywhere")}}
@include('elements.trix-toolbar',['id' => 'company-form-toolbar'])
@if(getSetting('ai.open_ai_enabled')) {{trans_choice("Suggestion",2)}} @endif